Last Saturday was the Jordanelle Triathlon. Nearly a mile swim, a 25 mile bike ride and just short of a 10K distance for the run at the end. Believe it or not, I really love this stuff. And with my sweet new bike, "Libertad", I really like the cycling portion of it ...assuming I don't get a flat. Just in case you are interested, Summer Sanders (1992 Barcelona Summer Olympian and gold medalist in the Butterfly) raced with me that day. My girls know her as a contestant on "The Apprentice" last season. She definitely beat me, but wow for the one woman that beat her on the swim. While others were watching the pros cycle in the Tour de Utah just west of my race in Park City, I was swimming with an Olympian. Sweet day.
Meet Summer.
I placed 20th overall the women. And I met my own personal goal which was to finish in under 3 hours, with my final time being 2:52.