The composition book for guests to sign.
The school lunch trays.
Fruit cups with side dip.
You have your choice of lemonade or milk. What'll it be?
With these semi-sweet chocolate Ding Dongs spread with rich chocolate ganache and filled with homemade marshmallow cream? I think I'd choose a cold glass of milk.
The vanilla cream homemade "Twinkies" were quite the novelty.
Since chocolate isn't my vice, these P.B. & J. bars were yummy and gave a little nostalgia from my school lunch box days.
The pink daisies and stitched dual-color ruffles add just the right baby girl touch.
I picked up a few of these cafeteria trays at my favorite D.I.
A simple pink zig zag stitch connects two colors of crepe paper streamers to create a unique paper ruffle.
Can't forget the Pink Pearl that Kaitlin's baby will wear around her tiny wrist.
I will not chew gum in class.
I will not chew gum in class.
I will not chew gum in class.
Notice the muslin fabric notebook paper with the stitched pink and blue lines? When baby girl is born, I'll stitch her name and other important information on it and then frame it up for the nursery.

It's class picture time for the mommy-to-be...
and the daddy-to-be.
Mikey + Kaitlin = baby girl, it's pretty simple math really.
auntie & cousin Norah
another auntie
Mrs. Ferre, and every student guest had their class picture taken for the composition book. The whole class wrote sweet wishes for Kaitlin and baby girl, in their best handwriting of course.
mom + 3 sisters
Baby Lola and Auntie Jaecie, just making the regular girl talk on the playground.
New school shoes.
The lunchroom
and don't forget recess!
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